Unit 2. Lesson 3

Unit 2. Lesson 3

  • Час: 00:00/00:40:00
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  1. Read the text and choose the correct answers.  

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

    Dozen or so studies have found that garlic, in various forms, can protect the heart. This year, scientists at the University of Alabama found that the active compound in garlic, called allicin, helped to prevent severe pulmonary hypertension (which leads to chest pain, shortness of breath and fainting) in rats. Dr David, who headed the research, says that two cloves of garlic a day will offer the same preventive effects for humans. Studies have also suggested that garlic protects against bacteria that cause stomach ache, and helps to сure common cold.  

      • 1

        What is the article about?  

      • А


      • Б


      • В


      • Г


    А Б В Г
  2. Read the text and choose the correct answers.  

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

    Dozen or so studies have found that garlic, in various forms, can protect the heart. This year, scientists at the University of Alabama found that the active compound in garlic, called allicin, helped to prevent severe pulmonary hypertension (which leads to chest pain, shortness of breath and fainting) in rats. Dr David, who headed the research, says that two cloves of garlic a day will offer the same preventive effects for humans. Studies have also suggested that garlic protects against bacteria that cause stomach ache, and helps to сure common cold. 

      • 2

        What kind of garlic can protect the heart?  

      • А


      • Б

        All kinds.  

      • В


      • Г


    А Б В Г
  3.  Read the text and choose the correct answers.

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

    Dozen or so studies have found that garlic, in various forms, can protect the heart. This year, scientists at the University of Alabama found that the active compound in garlic, called allicin, helped to prevent severe pulmonary hypertension (which leads to chest pain, shortness of breath and fainting) in rats. Dr David, who headed the research, says that two cloves of garlic a day will offer the same preventive effects for humans. Studies have also suggested that garlic protects against bacteria that cause stomach ache, and helps to сure common cold. 

      • 3

        What was tested by scientists?  

      • А

        Pulmonary hypertension.  

      • Б

        Chest pain.  

      • В

        An active compound in garlic.  

      • Г


    А Б В Г
  4. Read the text and choose the correct answers.  

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

    Dozen or so studies have found that garlic, in various forms, can protect the heart. This year, scientists at the University of Alabama found that the active compound in garlic, called allicin, helped to prevent severe pulmonary hypertension (which leads to chest pain, shortness of breath and fainting) in rats. Dr David, who headed the research, says that two cloves of garlic a day will offer the same preventive effects for humans. Studies have also suggested that garlic protects against bacteria that cause stomach ache, and helps to сure common cold.  

      • 4

        What is garlic used for?  

      • А

        Shortness of breath.  

      • Б

        Animals treatment.  

      • В

        Making fabric.  

      • Г

        Prevention of flu.  

    А Б В Г
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