UNIT 1 Lesson 2

Тест вправи № 15

  • Час: 00:00/00:40:00
  • Питання: 0/1
  1. Read the text below. Match choices (A—D) to the text (1—4).

    The Significance of a Hobby in the Life of a Teenager

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

      • 1

        By finding an area of interest, a teen can build competence and skill. This can cause positive results and builds a teenager’s confidence. And this will lead to more competence and skill.

      • 2

        Our likes and dislikes help define our personal characteristics. One of the main jobs of the life stage of adolescence is scoping out our personal definition of who we are — more professionally known as developing our identity. Hobbies help us by sending a signal: «I like doing this. This makes me feel good. Therefore, this is a part of who I am».

      • 3

        Dullness is like a disease for a teen — and it can have the same type of damaging effects. Bored teens look for things to do and are more likely to get involved in trouble. Helping teens develop a hobby is helping them stay out of negative situations.

      • 4

        When a teen is involved with a hobby, teachers, parents as well as the other children have easy access to something to praise him/her. It can also increase positive interaction between a teen and the other people.

      • A

        Hobbies will give other people the reason to praise a teen.

      • B

        Hobbies keep a teen from getting in trouble.

      • C

        A hobby helps a teen have a sense of his/her identity.

      • D

        Hobbies help build a teenager’s self-assurance.

    A B C D
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