UNIT 1 Lesson 1

Тест вправи № 5

Read the text below. For questions (1—4) choose the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C).

Keira lives in a small town of Arandis in Africa. Her typical school day starts as early as 4.30 a.m., the time she gets up. Waking up early gives her time to do her usual household duties, like sweeping the floor and fetching four buckets of water from a well about 400 metres away from her house.
She finishes around 6.30 a.m., warms water and washes, then has a cocoa drink as breakfast. She puts on her school uniform and leaves for school. Keira and all 5-form girls wear short-sleeve blouses with khaki skirts to match.
It takes her 15—20 minutes to walk to school. She usually gets to school around 8.00 a.m. Keira studies four main subjects — English, Mathematics, Integrated Science and Social Studies — and four electives, or subjects by choice — Economics, Geography, French and Music. After school on Mondays Keira stays for an extra hour of English Language class. By the time she gets home, it’s about 4.00 p.m. She has a quick dinner and goes straight to her family shop to help her mum.
About 7.30 she goes home to do school homework and to watch television for a while before going to bed at 10.00 p.m. She usually ends her day no later than 10 p.m. to have enough rest and to wake up early the next day.

  • Час: 00:00/00:40:00
  • Питання: 0/4
  1. Keira gets up early to have time for... .

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  2. How many elective subjects does Keira study?

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  3. In Keira’s school, Mathematics is... .

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  4. On Monday Keira stays after the lessons... .

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

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