UNIT 2 Lesson 1

Тест вправи № 6

Read the text below. For questions (1—5) choose the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

How far does the average housewife travel as she cleans, dusts, washes and cares after the children?
Mrs Arnolds’ took part in an experiment to look for an answer. She wore a pedometer for a whole day. Her day started at 7.30 a.m. when she made breakfast for her husband and children. She washed the dishes, made the beds and drove the children to school. During the morning she cleaned the bedrooms and bathrooms and did the washing-up. She also went next door to water her neighbour’s flowers. She picked up the children at noon and then made lunch, vacuumed the floors and cleaned the windows. Then she cooked the evening meal for the family. Mrs Arnold total walking distance was about 15 km.

  • Час: 00:00/00:40:00
  • Питання: 0/5
  1. The title that would best explain the main idea of the story is... .

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  2. From the text we can say that... 

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  3. Mrs Arnolds wore a pedometer...

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  4. In the evening Mrs Arnolds...

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  5. Mrs Arnolds watered the flowers... 

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

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