Unit 7. Lesson 7

Unit 7. Lesson 7

  • Час: 00:00/00:40:00
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  1. Read the text and choose the correct headline. 

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

      • 1

        The Transportation System. 

      • 2

        Kyiv Funicular. 

      • 3


      • 4

        The Museum of the Great Patriotic War. 

      • А

        ...... Other attractions worth seeing include the Funicular. It offers an incredible view of Kyiv, but also it provides a free adrenaline rush as you make your way to the top. Once there, you’ll be treated to a bird’s eye view of downtown Kyiv and the winding path of the Dnipro River.  

      • Б

        ...... Kyiv’s memorial to World War II is well-known. Although the memorial is a bit out of the way (situated on the outskirts of Kyiv in the district of Pechersk), it is well worth a visit. Weighty stone monuments are built into the hillside, memorials marked by the names of fallen soldiers, and rows of preserved tanks, guns and helicopters serve as a reminder of this tragic period in our past. 

      • В

        ...... Extremely deep underground stations (some over 100 metres deep) are stretching throughout Kyiv. One can easily travel from one part of the capital to the other. 

      • Г

        ...... Kyiv’s most striking attraction may be its network of magnificent Orthodox churches. You must see them including impressive sparkling churches and underground catacombs on the Dnipro Hills and St Sophia’s Cathedral. Both sites display solemn and dramatic frescoes.The grounds at the Dnipro Hills include an impressive miniatures museum. 

    А Б В Г
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