UNIT 1. It's your life. Lesson 2. A healthy lifestyle

Тест вправи № 6

  • Час: 00:00/00:30:00
  • Питання: 0/6
  1. Read and choose the correct variant.

    People may feel _______________ or tired in the morning if they don’t get enough sleep.
    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  2. Read and choose the correct variant.

    I usually sleep well but recently I’ve been having very strange _____________. 
    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  3. Read and choose the correct variant.

    Nothing can wake me up. I usually sleep like a ________________. 
    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  4. Read and choose the correct variant.

    My grandpa has a strange habit of _______________ asleep when he watches the television. 
    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  5. Read and choose the correct variant.

    If a dream is unpleasant, it’s called a ____________________. 
    (Кількість балів 1.00)

  6. Read and choose the correct variant.

    I was so excited about our trip that I didn’t sleep a _______________ last night. 
    (Кількість балів 1.00)

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