UNIT 2. Your school time. Lesson 1. What's your school like?

Тест вправи № 4

  • Час: 00:00/00:30:00
  • Питання: 0/1
  1. Match the questions (1—4) with the answers (A—E). There’s an extra variant you don’t need to use. 

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

      • 1

        What things for learning English are there in your school? 

      • 2

        What do you like doing most at the lessons of English? 

      • 3

        Do you sing songs at the lessons of English? 

      • 4

        Is your English language teacher strict? 

      • A

        Sometimes we do.  

      • B

        Not really. However, she is smart and fair. 

      • C

        Language laboratories equipped with record players and videotape recorders.  

      • D

        Next lesson we are going to write a test. 

      • E

        Project work. 

    A B C D E
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