UNIT 2. Your school time. Lesson 2. Are you a good team?
Тест вправи № 9
Sarah Dignasse is a secondary-school teacher from Essex. She tells about the after-school activities her students take:
«Many of our students are involved in lots of activities: sport, drama, dance, music, art. Something that has changed in the past two or three years is that there are more homework clubs where children may do their home assignments and prepare for the next day lessons because some children do their homework better in school. We officially finish at 3.10 p.m., but if you walk through the school after that time, there are pupils everywhere, in the music practice rooms or computer class. The school is a safe place, that’s why parents are happy that their children spend time after classes there.
Other pupils carry out activities in the community, such as air cadets, and sea scouts now have their meetings in the school building. I believe those clubs and activities help a child’s personality and character to develop; what they do now makes the adult they become in future. Besides they learn how to mix with different ages, work as a team and be independent and responsible, so these are invaluable lessons».
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