Unit 2. Nature Magic: Web of Life

Lesson 8. Test Your Skills

Тести до вправи №2.

  • Час: 00:00/00:30:00
  • Питання: 0/1
  1. Match the halves of the sentences.

    (Кількість балів 1.00)

      • 1

        Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental problems,…  

      • 2

        His idea, … is aimed at saving fossil fuels. 

      • 3

        Sandy, … has started to test her invention. 

      • 4

        Last Sunday we went to the zoo,… . 

      • 5

        Larry came back the following day,… . 

      • 6

        David appeared to be the scientist… . 

      • А

        whose project was presented yesterday, 

      • Б

        which should be solved 

      • В

        who had designed those devices 

      • Г

        where we spent half a day 

      • Д

        that has been considered innovative, 

      • Е

        when everything was ready for the conference 

    А Б В Г Д Е
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