Англійська мова. 6 клас
Оберіть посібник, до якого хочете переглянути матеріали:
Англійська мова. 6 клас: Плани-конспекти уроків (до підр. О. Д. Карпюк)
Автор: О. М. Павліченко
Придбати: -
Англійська мова. 6 клас: Робочий зошит (до підр. О. Д. Карпюк)
Автор: О. М. Павліченко
Придбати: -
Англійська мова. 6 клас: Робочий зошит (до підр. А. М. Несвіт)
Автор: С. В. Мясоєдова
Придбати: -
Англійська мова. 6 клас: Робочий зошит ЗКЗ (до підр. О. Д. Карпюк)
Англійська мова. 6 клас: Плани-конспекти уроків (до підр. А. М. Несвіт)
Автор: С. В. Мясоєдова
Придбати: -
Англійська мова. 6 клас: Зошит для контролю рівня знань (до підр. А. М. Несвіт)
Розгорнути все | Вам доступні: | Iншi матеріали: |
Календарний план з англійської мови для 6 класу
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Відповіді до зошита для контролю знань Англійська мова. 6 клас
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 1. They Are Friends. 1. Зустрічай нових друзів
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 1. They Are Friends. 2. Хобі та уподобання
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 1. They Are Friends. 3. Граматичні пазли
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 1. They Are Friends. 4. Що тобі подобається?
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Unit 1 Family and Friends. They Are Friends. Lesson 1
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Unit 1 Family and Friends. They Are Friends. Lesson 3
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Unit 1 Family and Friends. They Are Friends. Lesson 6
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 2. An Ordinary Family. 1. Познайомтесь із моєю родиною
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 2. An Ordinary Family. 2. Зовнішність і характер
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 2. An Ordinary Family. 3. Це — моя родина!
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 2. An Ordinary Family. 4. Лист другу
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 2. An Ordinary Family. 5. Особиста інформація
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 2. An Ordinary Family. 6. Урок домашнього читання
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Unit 1. Family and Friends. Lesson 2. An Ordinary Family. 7. Підсумки навчання
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Unit 1 Family and Friends. An Ordinary Family. Lesson 2
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Unit 1 Family and Friends. An Ordinary Family. Lesson 3
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Unit 1 Family and Friends. An Ordinary Family. Lesson 6
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 1. My School Days. 1. Шкільні предмети. Класна кімната
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 1. My School Days. 2. Граматичні пазли
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 1. My School Days. 3. Правила в школі та вдома. Розклад уроків
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 1. My School Days. 4. Шкільні предмети та вчителі
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 1. My School Days. 5. Цікаві та нудні уроки. Для чого вивчати англійську?
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 1. My School Days. 6. Шкільні правила
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Unit 2 School is Сool. My School Days. Lesson 1
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Unit 2 School is Сool. My School Days. Lesson 3
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Unit 2 School is Сool. My School Days. Lesson 9
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 1. Види спорту
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 2. Спортивне приладдя
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 3. Граматичні пазли
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 4. Улюблені види спорту. Спорт в Україні
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 5. Корисні поради
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 6. Спорт у нашому житті
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 7. Урок домашнього читання
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Unit 2. School is Сool. Lesson 2. My Sports. 8. Підсумки навчання
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Unit 2 School is Сool. My Sports. Lesson 1
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Unit 2 School is Сool. My Sports. Lesson 6
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Unit 2 School is Сool. My Sports. Lesson 9
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 1. Yummy! 1. Улюблена їжа. Їжа для здоров'я
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 1. Yummy! 2. Що ми їмо щодня
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 1. Yummy! 3. Їжа британців
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 1. Yummy! 4. Збираємось на пікнік
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 1. Yummy! 5. У кав’ярні
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Yummy! Lesson 1
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Yummy! Lesson 2
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Yummy! Lesson 7
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 1. Магазини у Великій Британії
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 2. Магазини та гроші
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 3. За покупками
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 4. Готуємось до вечірки
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 5. За покупками до Лондона
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 6. Мої улюблені магазини
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 7. Список покупок
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 8. Збираємось на пікнік
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 9. Урок домашнього читання
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Lesson 2. Going Shopping. 10. Підсумки навчання
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Going Shopping. Lesson 1
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Going Shopping. Lesson 6
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Unit 3. Cafés and Shops. Going Shopping. Lesson 10
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 1. On the Move. 1. Види транспорту
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 1. On the Move. 2. Подорож літаком
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 1. On the Move. 3. У дорозі
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 1. On the Move. 4. Подорож потягом
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 1. On the Move. 5. Скільки коштує квиток?
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Unit 4. Travelling. On the Move. Lesson 1
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Unit 4. Travelling. On the Move. Lesson 6
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Unit 4. Travelling. On the Move. Lesson 9
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 1. Країни та національності
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 2. Різні країни — цікаві міста. Лондон
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 3. Ласкаво просимо до Києва
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 4. Подорож Лондоном
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 5. Захопливий світ
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 6. Географічна вікторина
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 7. Тур Україною
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 8. Листи друзів
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 9. Подорож кораблем
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 10. Поради мандрівникам
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 11. Запрошуємо до України
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Unit 4. Travelling. Lesson 2. So Many Places. 12. Англомовні країни
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Unit 4. Travelling. So Many Places. Lesson 1
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Unit 4. Travelling. So Many Places. Lesson 7
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Unit 4. Travelling. So Many Places. Lesson 14
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Unit 1. Lesson 6
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Unit 1. Lessons 7—8
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Unit 1. Lesson 9
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Unit 2. Lesson 3
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Unit 2. Lesson 6
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Unit 2. Lesson 8
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Unit 3. Lessons 3—4
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Unit 3. Lessons 7—8
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Unit 4. Lessons 2—3
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Unit 4. Lesson 7
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Unit 4. Lesson 8
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Unit 5. Travelling. Lesson 4
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Unit 5. Travelling. Lesson 6
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Unit 5. Travelling. Lesson 8
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Unit 6. Lesson 2
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Unit 6. Lesson 4
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Unit 6. Lesson 7
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Unit 6. Lesson 8
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Unit 7. Lesson 4
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Unit 7. Lesson 5
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Unit 7. Lesson 8
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Unit 8. Lesson 1
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Unit 8. Lesson 8
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Brain Ring
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Тематичні контрольні роботи. Відповіді
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Матеріал для копіювання
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Додатковий матеріал (оновлена програма)
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